Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Voice Turing Test


Reid ‘Turing Test’:

What is the difference between a recorded and a live voice if the instances are relatively short? Or are there any? If you have your eyes closed and I read this script exactly as written, one time  into a microphone at some other time and place, and then, with my voice recorded as a YouTube. played back through the black box on the counter at Aimee’s – or another into a Bluetooth microphone from the hall way in the back of the shop with the output coming through the black box on the counter at Aimee’s - could you tell the difference between my live and my recorded voice?

This would be the Reid ‘Turing Test’: I stand in the back and alternate reading this script live into a mic or I press play on a YouTube recording of the same – not letting you know which is which.

How few times with me reading this script would it take for you to be able to tell the difference between my live and my recorded voice at least  80 % of the time?

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